May 2024 Membership Meeting
Affordable Housing in Milwaukee: A Foundation for Infrastructure
Milwaukee has long faced challenges addressing the community’s needs in housing, which is a central factor in so many community circumstances, related to areas like education, health, and workforce. With aging housing stock, lack of adequate inventory, home acquisition costs that far outpace income for many Milwaukee families – especially in the African American and Hispanic communities – and predatory landlords, the environment for stable neighborhoods and growth in home ownership has hurt our community for more than a generation.
Utilizing research and a community-driven collective action model, the Community Development Alliance (CDA) has been tasked with implementing Milwaukee’s Collective Affordable Housing Strategic Plan to meet affordable home ownership needs and rebuild neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
To address these concerns, GMC focused our Monthly Membership Meeting on May 13, 2024, on housing issues. The meeting began with GMC member Steve Radke, president of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation, discussing the role that local corporations and foundations have played in strengthening neighborhoods by addressing capacity, safety, and housing through a collective impact lens. Following Steve’s introduction, Teig Whaley-Smith, chief alliance executive of CDA, presented CDA’s housing strategy, featuring the Acquisition Fund, new construction data, and community investment strategies. He was joined by Rae Johnson, a local homeowner, and JoAnna Bautch, executive director of VIA CDC, who outlined the current action steps underway and what it will take as a community to adequately address our challenges through wise investment, advocacy, and sustained commitment.
Many stakeholders are already involved in this effort, and we offer this meeting for you to learn more and engage in how we can have an immediate impact in cementing neighborhoods and building wealth for our residents.